Carbon neutral

(J:COM CSR Activities | Carbon Neutral EditionPlaying time: 0:30)

J:COM aims to reduce CO 2 emissions from our group's business activities by 50% *1 by 2030 and to virtually zero by 2050, aiming to realize a decarbonized society. Achieving neutrality has been set as a group goal.

Currently, the entire J:COM Group emits approximately 110,000 tons *2 of CO 2 annually due to electricity consumption in our business activities. We have set medium- to long-term goals for CO 2 emissions and will work to reduce them through the following initiatives.

  • *1 Compared to FY2020
  • *2 Results of Scope 1 and 2 in FY2020

Improving the power supply efficiency of transmission lines

CO 2 emissions from the transmission lines that deliver broadcasting, communications, and other services to customers account for more than 50% of J:COM 's total emissions. These costs are due to the electricity used by the approximately 24,000 power supplies (PS) installed on transmission lines across the country, and we will be looking into ways to save energy and improve efficiency.
Specifically, we have begun considering demonstration experiments to improve efficiency by downsizing and eliminating transmission loss. We believe that miniaturization and decentralization of power supplies (PS) have the potential to reduce CO 2 emissions by up to 25%, and we are continuing to conduct specific studies and verifications, including other methods. Masu.

Reduction of headend power consumption, etc.

A ``headend'' is equipment that converts broadcast radio waves into cable TV signals and sends them out to a transmission line, as well as transmitting and receiving communication signals such as those for the Internet. The headend is a facility similar to a data center, and CO 2 emissions from electricity used for air conditioning and other purposes account for just under 40% of J:COM 's total emissions. We are currently considering using AI control to improve the efficiency of the air conditioning used by these facilities at 98 locations nationwide, and we are also considering installing solar panels to make effective use of the rooftop space of the facilities. Through these initiatives, we will continue to consider ways to reduce CO 2 emissions by 20-30%.

AI optimizes and controls faults to reduce power consumption

J:COM MaaS initiatives

J:COM has approximately 4,500 sales vehicles nationwide, and we visit customers' homes. Regarding these commercial vehicles, we are reducing the number of vehicles by switching to ride sharing "J:COM MaaS" from 2020. Going forward, we will reduce the number of commercial vehicles by half and reduce CO 2 emissions by 910 tons per year. Let's proceed.
In the future, we aim to realize new mobility services with the slogan "Free movement for everyone from families raising children to senior citizens."

Green menu (electricity service)

From April 2022, J:COM will begin offering a green menu (electricity service) that uses 100% renewable energy *1.
With the Green Menu, a family of four can reduce CO 2 emissions by approximately 2.5 tons per year to virtually zero.

("Running Girl" J:COM Green MenuPlay Time: 1:00)

Green menu provides 100% renewable electricity
  • *1 The Green Menu uses electricity from sources including thermal power, FIT electricity, and renewable energy sources, and by using non-fossil certificates designated as renewable energy, it achieves 100% renewable energy and zero CO2 emissions.
  • *2 In the Hokkaido area, J:COM itself provides Green Menu services as a retail electricity provider.

Click here for detailed product information about the Green Menu

Efforts for demand response demonstration experiments

"Demand response" is a system that asks customers to cooperate in saving electricity and controls electricity usage in order to balance electricity demand and supply when the supply is expected to be tight during peak electricity demand. .
At J:COM, through demonstration experiments of demand response for households, we hope to raise awareness of saving electricity to the extent that is reasonable according to the customer's lifestyle, and to respond to the tight supply and demand of electricity and to reduce CO 2 emissions. As such, we will continue to contribute to society.

The flow of the power saving challenge. 1. Participation registration 2. Confirm the power saving time during the implementation period by e-mail. Devise ways to use electricity. 3. After the period ends, get gifts according to the amount of electricity saved

For more information here

Streamlining logistics operations

J:COM is a green company. We are working on logistics.

In fiscal 2016, we set a CO 2 reduction target of ``reducing CO 2 emitted from logistics operations by 20% by fiscal 2020 (compared to fiscal 2016).'' By reducing the number of vehicles on the road and improving overall logistics efficiency by reviewing delivery routes and truck loading rates, we achieved a 33% reduction in fiscal 2020, exceeding our target.

Consolidation of delivery vehicles
Streamlining delivery routes
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